Sunday, August 4, 2013

Almost Heaven, Blue Ridge Mountains

Years ago when I first met my husband, he took me to Caesar's Head, which is a State Park in South Carolina in his hometown.  It was a beautiful place with a gorgeous view of the Blue Ridge Mountains,  which is a part of the Appalachian Mountains.  I still remember my husband (then my boyfriend) wearing overalls, which I thought was super embarrassing  but was really just a part of his South Carolina "culture" I guess.    

Today we decided to head up to Caesar's Head again after six years and see the sights.  We are back in South Carolina for an anniversary trip and are having a relaxing blast.  We checked out Blythe Sholls, which is a really cool waterfall where the water is super cold.  We said we'd go back sometime with our swimsuits.

Me and hubby at Blythe Sholls

After the waterfall, we headed up to Bald Rock, which lets you see a good view of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Bald Rock also has spray painted names of lovers and friends all over its surface.  I remember six years ago saying we'd come back and spray paint our names.  We forgot again this trip.

Me on Bald Rock

Blue Ridge Mountains
On our drive back from the Mountains, we stopped at a little farmers market-type place and picked up some goodies.  We got jarred pickles, blackberries, and of course my favorite summer fruit--peaches!


We had a great time and I got to cross another activity off of my summer bucket list.  I love nature.  I love greenery and trees and the Blue Ridge Mountains offer me everything I want to see.  I had such a great time just walking around and setting my eyes on God's creation.  Being at the Blue Ridge Mountains made me miss that song "Take Me Home"by John Denver I used to listen to.  Being at the mountains was almost heaven.

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